Real Estate Development Financial Model Template (.XLS)
A fully-editable, easy-to-customize financial model for real estate development — easily project your revenue in minutes:
- 17+ easy-to-edit and fully-automated sheets and charts, including...
- One high-level summary sheet with 5+ charts & key metric highlights for an immediate & straightforward overview of overall growth
- All key annual financial statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, etc.
- Easy editing: all Assumptions centralized in one sheet, highlighted yellow
- Multi-currency support: USD($) and GBP (£) version included
- Automated calculations: Debt Amortization & Return (IRR)
- Done-for-you benchmarks & research: marketing funnel assumptions, hyperlinked to sources for your convenience
- Straightforward Cash Outflows & Hiring Plans: Salaries & Operating Expenses + Fixed Business Expenses
- FREE updates for life!
Easy-to-customize financial model built specifically for real estate development
Total # of Sheets
Business Model
Real Estate Development
Compatible with
Excel, Google Sheets
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